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We invest in  hidden assetslost brandsrecovery projects

We work smarter

We specialize in uncovering special one-off esoteric opportunities generated via our intensive internal research process. Cashmere discovers and develops esoteric niche investments that have a sustainable competitive advantage, and less attention from mainstream investors. The team at Cashmere lead by its founders Patrick Horsman and Russell gross have a combined 100 plus years’ experience in alternative assets and investments. We are backed by a single-family office and do not accept money from outside investors.

We believe in focus and expertise

Our singular drive to narrow-cast upon assets frozen or tied up in defunct and discarded entities means we must rely upon our internally derived knowledge base for sourcing. If we are contacting you, it is because we genuinely believe that somewhere within your predecessor entities were assets that may have future value. Our firm is willing to place its capital at risk to restore potential value from these hidden or lost assets.